+92 51 2224215 Mon - Fri 09:30 AM - 05:30 PM 3rd Floor, Aurora Square , F-11 Markaz, Islamabad
+92 42 0000000 Mon - Fri 09:30 AM - 05:30 PM Model Town, Lahore
ISO 9001:2008
Registered Consultants
PEC # CONSULT / 1077
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Urbanisation, climate change and increasing energy demands are some of the main challenges to our society and environment.

We provide specialised consultancy and innovative solutions that better society and safeguard our environment.

Our services are tailored to the specific needs of our customers, as stand-alone services or integrated in complex projects with urban development, infrastructure, climate adaptation, energy and health.

Zeeruk provides the following experts services:

  1. Environmental Impact Assessment
  2. Environmental Planning and Management
  3. Environmental Risk Assessment
  4. Facilities for Recreational Purposes
  5. Water Resources Management for Environmental Development
  6. Carbon Trading

Environment, Health & Safety

Addressing occupational health and safety and environmental issues provided an overview, improves efficiency, motivates employees and ensures truly sustainable solutions. We offer the entire range of consultancy including:

a. Acoustics, noise and vibration
b. Assessment and management of chemicals
c. Occupational health and safety, and indoor climate
d. Workplace health promotion
e. Environmental management and regulation
f. Sustainable development
g. Risk analysis and process safety
h. Industrial pollution prevention in the fields of environment and occupational health and safety.

Environment Impact Assessment

We carry out environmental impact assessments (EIA) all over the world for:

a. Major bridges, tunnels, causeways, roads, railways, light rail and metros
b. Harbours and airports
c. Urban and waterfront developments
d. Onshore and offshore oil field development and operation
e. Oil and gas pipelines, high voltage power lines
f. Refineries and manufacturing industry
g. Onshore and offshore wind farms

Strategic Environmental Consultancy

We offer a complete spectrum of strategic environmental consultancy, from due diligence prior to the acquisition or sale of a company or property to CSR and enterprise risk management.


At ZEERUK, sustainability is an integral part of our vision and the heart of our business model.

Our vision is to create coherence in tomorrow’s sustainable societies; and we are committed to doing this with long-term societal, environmental and human interests in mind.

Climate Change

Climate change may have serious implications for infrastructure design, operation and maintenance, and with growing population density in the cities, more and more people may be affected.

At ZEERUK, we are committed to developing resilient solutions that will reduce or prevent the damage caused by climate change.

Zeeruk is committed to the preservation of the environment and has been sensitive to the environmental parameters in planning and implementation of its development projects. The team of Zeeruk is highly qualified and well experienced and is well versed in the latest techniques of environmental protection and applicable international standards.