+92 51 2224215 Mon - Fri 09:30 AM - 05:30 PM 3rd Floor, Aurora Square , F-11 Markaz, Islamabad
+92 42 0000000 Mon - Fri 09:30 AM - 05:30 PM Model Town, Lahore
ISO 9001:2008
Registered Consultants
PEC # CONSULT / 1077
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Geo Technical

Geo Technical Engineering

Geo-Technical Investigations and an in-depth understanding of the Regional Geology and Geomorphology are necessary for an efficient and safe design in any Civil Engineering Project. Zeeruk International has a Team of Engineers, standby Consultants, and associated drilling firms with extensive background in these fields. We offer comprehensive services in Geo-Technical and Geomorphology Fields.Services offered by the Firm include Site Investigation and monitoring, Design of Shallow and Deep Foundations including Grouted and laterally Loaded Piles, Design of Reinforced Earth and recommendations and Specifications for the use of Geogrids and Geotextiles. Furthermore, we offer Specialized Servicessuch as Investigations and Design in very soft ground and Rock Formations, comparison of alternate Road Alignments, High Embankment over soft alluviums, major Rock and Soil Cuttings, Assessment of Suitability, Excavatability and reusability of Rock Material.Zeeruk is equipped with State of the Art Finite Element Method Software for use in Geo-Technical Assessments and Design; Software Packages acquired so far include CRISP, SigmaW, Z_Soil, DDA, Stable6 and SB-Slope

Site Sustainable Study

Zeeruk geotechnical engineering services also include site suitability studies. When property is under consideration for development, site suitability studies can be invaluable to assess conditions affecting the desired use of the site. Studies may include percolation tests for septic systems, infiltrometer tests for LID/BMP improvements, or feasibility studies to identify potential geotechnical engineering constraints. Such studies allow for an informed decision before investing further money into a particular project site.

Geotechnical Engineering Investigations

When a project reaches the design stage, a geotechnical engineering investigation is performed. While the scope of the geotechnical report varies depending upon the project, they typically are based upon the common elements of subsurface exploration, laboratory analysis of samples, interpretation and analysis of data, and specific engineering recommendations for design.

Forensic Investigations

Earth Systems registered professionals provide engineering and construction materials expertise to assess the cause of damage to structures due to soil or drainage conditions, subsurface seepage, construction failures, landslides, erosion, subsidence, or alleged hazardous material contamination. We assist in the resolution of insurance claims, legal actions, and other disputes, and provide expert witness testimony.